
Welcome to the Trust Your Intuition Challenge Recordings page!

Below you will find a recording of each of the trainings given during the Trust Your Intuition Challenge, January 24-31, 2021:

As each training takes place, the recordings and any applicable notes and worksheets will be posted below so you will have access to them!

It’s time to tap into the deepest parts of us and learn how to trust our intuition again!

Day 1: Welcoming Ceremony + What is your Intuition and How to use it!


Day 2: Syncing to Cyclicality + Seasons

**The Astro Moon Diary I mentioned is apparently out of stock for 2021 but THIS WALL CALENDAR is amazing too (I have it hanging right next to me!)… not as much info but there is still a ton and it’s absolutely beautiful!

Day 3: Substances of the Universe (wisdom of the Elements)

CLICK HERE for the website I found to help you calculate your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant signs!

Day 4: Stars and the Signs of the zodiac

Day 5: Sabbats + Celebration

Day 6: Sisterhood + Stories

Day 7: Sacred Conversations

Day 8: Closing Ceremony + Setting Intentions