
Join the June Moons Society!!!

It’s been CRAZY in the astrological realm over the past couple weeks- eclipse season’ll do that to ya, amIright?!!

Deep breath… magic is abrewin’, sister! The June Moons are on the way!

June is giving us the most abundant opportunity to get back in the ebby and flowy saddle of our powerful lives with both the NEW MOON (Solar Eclipse) and the FULL (Super) MOON that will be gracing the sky!

I’m talking, HUGE energetic expansion is comin’ at us this month and because of that I KNEW I needed to provide you, my soul sister, my community, and womanhood in general the daily guidance AND the communal experiences (INCLUDING IN-PERSON!!! FINALLYYY!!!) to sync into this magic and manifest your sacred heart out!

Enter: The June Moons Society!!

Yes! This two-week experience is going to help you use the power of the next New and Full moons + the days and phases in between, to live in connection with the energy that the moon lights up in us, set and honor purposeful intentions, and participate with the journey of what you are READY to manifest!!

All with the guidance of, me, Jillian, your Intuitive Life Coach, AND the support of sisterhood, community, THE SOCIETY!

Oh, and did I mention that there’s an IN-PERSON FULL MOON CEREMONY INCLUDED IN THIS?!

(If you’re not local, don’t worry… there will be a virtual opportunity to join!)

Okay! Here’s what you’re lookin’ at, sister… As an esteemed member of the June Moons Society here’s what these two ABUNDANT weeks hold for you:

  • June 10th – June 24th… Two Weeks in the Society… coaching support, moon energy guidance, rituals, ceremonies, lunar updates, etc.
  • New Moon Intention ceremony – Thursday, June 10th – VIRTUAL
    • Meditation, ceremony, and true-self connection to help you get CRYSTAL CLEAR about what you are ready to manifest over the next two weeks
    • Energetic “seed planting” ritual to help you hone in on what you want to DO and how you want to FEEL over the next two weeks
  • Daily astrological update from me in our Society group setting – June 10th – 24th
  • Daily guidance on how to use Moon Energy to turn your intentions into reality in our Society group setting – June 10th – 24th
  • Full Moon Celebration & Release ceremony – Thursday, June 24th – IN PERSON (location TBA… Portland, ME area) and VIRTUAL (for those unable to make the live event!)
    • Celebration of everything that has manifested because of the intentions you set two weeks prior to thank the Universe and call in MORE PLEASE!
    • Releasing & Recalibrating ritual to let go of what no longer serves you, and use the wisdom gained in the past two weeks to recalibrate to what you want NOW!

Are you in?

GREAT! Let’s keep this easy peasy! Fill out the form below and you will be welcomed into the June Moon Society for our Kick-Off New Moon Intention Ceremony on Thursday 6/10!

Love ya! Over the moon to welcome you into the society!