
Wolves are complex and focused, brilliant and intuitive, powerful and playful.
They are as devoted to their own instincts as they are to their pups.
They will lead and defend.  They will ferociously protect.
They are poised and protective.  

Wolves are not unlike women.  Women are exactly like wolves. 

The time has come.  It is here.  
No longer will we be subdued and lay victim to ANYTHING from social standards to our own self-deprecating thoughts.  

It is time to re-Wolf ourselves.  To take Alpha Action on the life we were BORN to live.  

It’s time to HOWL! 


Howl – a 6 month coaching + ideal life creation container – is for you if you are DONE lone-wolfing and sitting on the sidelines of your life.

If you are busy every day BUT you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere.

If you’re ready to BE the leader you’ve been told you are since you were a little girl.

If you’re ready to acknowledge all that you want… all that you ARE… and then declare it – howl it – in order to BE it.

You NEED a pack.  You’re ready to be an active participant IN a pack.  You would be the BEST pack member to other women just like you… and now you’re ready for that give AND receive.  To be a PART of something SPECTACULAR!



This is for you if you are SICK of swirling in your emotions… 

You’re proud that you finally let yourself feel your emotions… but sheesh, it’s time for you to channel them into DOING something…

This container (and all that you’ll learn, activate, and embody) is for you if you want a life where you get to both play with your pups AND run, unbridled in the moonlight toward your own goals, your personal primal calling…

How amazing would it FEEL to own your inner-Alpha and move!? Take action!? Get out of stuck and HOWL at the moon as you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!?


*The following statement is my experience through my perception and beliefs… I do not have a medical license and highly recommend you seek medical attention if you feel you need support with depression and anxiety – whether post-partum or otherwise.  My statement below is a clip of my story.

I spent 4 years moving through different variations of post-partum depression + anxiety.
I slowed and tended.  I felt my feels.  I’m proud of myself for that.  Previous versions of me would have tried to bypass and over-perform during this season.

In this time however, I  developed some deeply entrenched habits and patterns fueled be the feeling of being worried and the more I felt worried, the more I WAS worried.

Several months ago, I woke one day to find myself in a completely different season of life.

A season in which new paths needed to be forged.
A season in which new decisions needed to be made.

It had been sometime since I’d activated my inner Alpha… the wild and free and powerful leader of my life that I am at my core.

And I DID IT (and learned a few new tricks to help me do it!)

And it’s because I did it, I’m ready to teach YOU how to do it too!

Are you ready to acknowledge the season you’re in, get clarity and embody what you want,  be a part of a pack, and take ACTION based on who you are NOW and what your inner Alpha is calling you to be?


Howl Flow:

  • Module 1: Season of the Wolf
    • Arrive in the now – this season – look at who you are, your life, your desire through a newly cleansed lens of presense
    • Release the old stories, patterns, infrastructure set-up that worked then but simply don’t anymore
    • Gain clarity + take action based off of the needs and desires of THIS season in your life
  • Module 2: Re-Wolf Yourself
    • Reconnect with every brilliant, sacred-to-you, complexity that makes up who you truly are
    • Central Nervous System upgrading and support
    • Mental chatter/ negative emotional loop rewiring
  • Module3: Take Alpha Action
    • Embodiment of who you are NOW
    • Self-discovery meets launching pad – mapping out aligned action to take based on what life asks of you now
    • Creating sustainable, exciting actionable plans to continue the momentum of the better it gets, the better it gets!
  • Module 4: Pack, Pups + Purpose
    • Take stock of the season of life for all your key wolves: family, friends, peers… do they need something different in this season?
    • Defining and embodying being the best YOU for you AND them
    • Are the dynamics of your packs aligned with your values, what you want? Embodying and pivoting!
  • Module 5: Run Wild and Free
    • Choosing joy, playfulness, and freedom as defined by you
    • Connecting to activities that feel the best based on your needs in the moment
    • Creating pathways to more freedom in any and all areas of life
  • Module 6: Lead and Live
    • Crowning yourself the Leader of your life… the Alpha of your experience
    • Taking new action based on how you want to operate in each changing season of life
    • Devoting yourself to the life of your inner wolf, the sacred woman… the life you want to live!


What’s the point of Howl?

As women, we need each other… we need a pack at our backs and an energetic mirror in our faces to remind us that we are supported as we OWN the brilliance of our personal complexities.

This group coaching and ideal-life creation container will help you turn the table on your triggers, reframe the scarcity stories that are playing on repeat, help you really soothe your physical/ emotional self from the inside out, and really intuitively and tangibly step into the life that is calling to you on a primal level.

Anything goes here… what’s holding you back? what’s the fear you keep returning to (read: obsessing about)? money? relationships? mom guilt? untapped potential? career changes?

In Howl, you’ll learn how to get out of the fear and into your personal, primal power.

And then to take life-changing action with activated alpha-power… based on what life, your family, and your soul need from you NOW!


+ The Transformation?


As the alpha, the most supreme, poised, embodied version of YOU who has learned how to recalibrate her Central Nervous System, short-circuit soul-sucking thoughts that lead to swirling negative emotions, and take ACTION on the things that you want NOW.  For you, for your pups, for your den, and for your life!


Howl Container details:

  • Six Month activation and transformation container (Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice)
  • Group Voxer Coaching
  • New Moon Meditation
  • Den calls + HOWL pack spotlights + new-aged, women-centric networking
  • Recorded affirmations/ activations / visualizations every month to build momentum of owning your inner Alpha
  • Workbook + record keeper of soul-aligned, action oriented activities to help you re-Wolf your life


One final note:

I am more excited to facilitate this program than I can describe.

Normally I’m a learn fast, teach faster type of person… woman… coach…

Not with this.  Not with my personal journey of re-wolfing.

This part of my journey has been life-school to the nth degree… and NOW I’m ready… and honestly, I’m so excited for each of the women who feel called to being in this space.

Because if you feel called to being in this space that means YOU’RE ready too.

And that’s a big deal… generational/ past lifetimes healing… tending to the triggers that have held you back… and creating exciting, aligned action to help you really BE the alpha of your experience… it’s literally life changing!

If you’re ready – from the bottom of my heart, I encourage you to apply!

I’m thrilled at the thought of having YOU in our power pack!

Howling at the moon with glee,
