I help intuitive women EMBODY what spirituality and connectedness means to them… And to EXPRESS their sacred, personal wisdom!
Hello Sacred One! I’m Jillian Bolanz – Intuitive Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Reiki Master, Mumma of 3, Wife, runner, chocolate lover, Witch, Priestess, Goddess, WOMAN…
You’ve heard of the girl next door, right?
Well, I’m the Goddess next door!
You’ll see me facilitating sacred Moon Ceremonies or guiding my soulmate clients through magickal spiritual breakthroughs as often as you’ll see me on the sidelines of my sons’ sporting events or running through the grocery story (again)!
-I believe SO DEEPLY that each and every one of us is here- on this planet, with these people, at this time – to both DO amazing things and BE our ever-evolving, optimal self.
-I believe that our lives can be walking rituals, that celebration is the secret passage to where we want to go, and like the moon, we live at our highest potential when we allow ourselves to wax and wane as we flow through this life that we GET to create.
-I believe that a witch is simply a powerful woman who honors and works with the abundant flow of nature around and within her… and who seeks to better all of consciousness by contributing the sacred, personal magick that makes up who she truly is.
-I believe that our energy is better served creating a dazzling path of opportunity, freedom, and love rather than fighting what no longer serves us.
-I believe that we can live a spiritually aligned life and that we don’t need to be on the meditation pillow for hours to do it… we’ve got babies to tend to, businesses to build, and generational patterns to break, and inner callings to answer!
And if you’re reading this, I believe that you’re nodding your head because on some primal level, you believe (or WANT to believe!) this too!

Let me ask you, sweet soul:
What if you allowed yourself to truly BELONG to a sisterhood, along other women who are doing their sacred soul-embodiment work too?
What if you REALLY learned how to tap into the moon cycle and the season cycle to uncover your patterns of resistance and proactively create a supportive life of flowww?
What if you reconnected to the sacred feminine energy within you?
To receive coaching so you can create from a space of full expansion?
To have support as you challenge beliefs you’ve carried for a long time that were never yours to begin with?
To embody your intuition because you feel safe enough to feel your feelings and fully express every aspect of your inner Goddess?
To participate in ceremony like we, as women, did during the days where the earth was our church and we honored both our humanness as well as our divinity?
THIS is the vibe I create in all of my coaching containers- from 1:1 coaching to the True You Tent to the True You School to all the ceremonies I lead…
Because THIS is what I craved on the deepest, most primal level for years…
And when I found what supported my human and lit up my soul- I knew I needed to create and share it with YOU and the rest of our soulmate, sacred sisters!

My Story
I spent most of my life forcing, grinding, and operating out of a need to exceed the expectations of every one else.
I thought my worth was based on my output and that if I wasn’t hustling I was falling behind.
On frigid winter’s evening in early 2018 I realized just how broken I felt, physically and spiritually.
I hadn’t had a natural period in over 14 years – my two sweet babies were conceived with support of fertility specialists.
I grew up Catholic and though at this point religion had lost it’s charm to me, I craved connection to the divine.
That January night is when everything changed for me. I was ready to feel better. To stop forcing and support both my body and soul with flow.
The Universe delivered big when I began connecting with Mumma Moon.
I started learning about the phases/ the zodiac/ and the energy that is available to us always by way of the Lunar Luminary in the sky.
Overtime, by syncing to this cyclical work, not only did I reconnect with my period (which later led to the pregnancy and birth of our third son- something they told me would never happen!) but I started reconnecting to my emotions and spiritual connection in ways that felt SO SOUL ALIGNED!
And it is from this place that I now get to teach, coach, lead, and guide!
My story is not your story… there is no cookie cutter way to spiritual embodiment and expression…
But I believe that when we tap back into cyclicality, learn to trust our intuition, and connect into the divine source of love in a way that is authentic to us, we can LIVE that embodied, soul-aligned life!

So, Soul Sister- what about you?
What’s YOUR story?
Are you ready to REALLY sync into the place where your soul and your human meet- and create from THAT space?
For every one of your kiddos dance recital or fur baby’s trip to the park, would you like to be in ceremony? Have a soul-aligned breakthrough in a coaching session? Cast a spell and celebrate all you’re manifesting?!
I have a whole, delicious menu of coaching opportunities and spiritual support available for you. Take a breath and ask be honest with yourself about not only what you need, but also what you CRAVE!!
Check out my Work With Me section for more information about the True You Tent, the True You School, Moon Cycle Immersions, 1:1 Coaching, and more!!

If, like me, you’re ready to build a life where there are as many crystals in your bag as there are snacks for the kids- then LET’S CONNECT, SISTER! Because BEING that connective, embodied, optimal YOU gets to happen at every moment of this journey you’re on!
You are magickal and whole and holy – thank you for being here!
To the moon,